Write for us, Submit an idea

Since we launched, the Japanese Knife Blog has become the go-to resource for Japanese coffee lovers and those who love Japan.

We aim to continue providing value to people who love tea and Japan by creating and sharing blog posts, videos, and premium products.

Do you have an idea for a new blog post, video, or product? Please let us know by contacting us here.

Would you like to join our growing team? We'd love to hear from You! Get in touch with us for one of the positions below.

Guest writers 

Do you love Japanese tea, Japan, and love writing about it?

Do you have a blog, vlog, or products related to tea that you want to share with us?

Do you have a topic you want to write about that is related to Japanese tea or Japan?

We are looking for a permanent or one-time guest writer who we call "Green Tea Friends."

Click here to contact us here if you are interested.