Buy First Crop Loose Leaf Green Tea Online

In Japan, green teas are categorized as first, second, and third based on when the tea is harvested.

  • The first harvest of the season is called Ichiban-cha 一番茶 (also called Shincha 新茶)
  • The second harvest is called Niban-cha 二番茶
  • The third harvest is called Sanban-cha 三番茶 (some farms do not even pick the third harvest) 

The first harvest is also called "new crop" or Shincha. Since it is the first, it is referred to as "syun" (旬seasonal). The Japanese culture values the concept of syun, and an example of this is the short poem haiku, where references to season (syun) are used. The first harvest is characterized by the tea leaves being "young" and bringing in a richer and clearer aroma. The first crop is considered the best loose-leaf green tea that can be harvested in the year.

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