Dream of Japan について




弊社の事業にご興味がある方は、info@dreamofJapan.com よりご連絡ください。

日本の誇るパートナーの皆さまへ 私たちがパートナーブランドを選ぶ際に重視するのは、その製品が作り手と受け手、双方の人生を豊かにするかどうかです。本当に素晴らしい職人の手による製品は、日々の瞬間を彩り、積み重なることで、より豊かで実りある、喜びに満ちた人生を創り上げると信じています。





Our brand

Partnering for Global Presence and Appreciation

To Our Esteemed Japanese Partners

When choosing our partner brands, we focus on whether their products improve the lives of both the makers and the receivers. Our belief is that a truly great artisan product can enrich the moments of our daily lives and sum up to creating a life that is more abundant, bountiful, and joyful for the people who are part of the product's story.

We are honored to be able to partner with and represent the brands that make up the peak of Japanese artisan excellence. We welcome you to join us in crafting legacies that resonate across continents and bring the best of Japan to the rest of the world, and to tell stories that transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Dedicate fully to crafting your masterpieces, and let us worry about the rest.

Bringing your products to people outside Japan can be incredibly fulfilling, yet it comes with various challenges. Things like making your products relevant to new audiences, handling the logistics, and sharing the stories behind them, bridging language and cultural gaps can be tough. Luckily, we specialize in these areas with years of experience. When you partner with us, we handle these aspects for you. This allows you to focus your precious time on your art, crafting extraordinary products, rather than dealing with concerns from customers overseas.